Sunday, May 17, 2009

Beware of Cute Faces!!!

Look at that face...but don't be fooled!!!

I had never seen a raccoon in its own natural environment before. I, like most people, thought that something so small and cute and adorable would be friendly and let you take a photo. Well, right after I took this photo, at a safe distance, or so I thought...she took offense and decided she wanted us out of there. Unfortunately, our dog chose that moment to jump out of the truck and she attacked him, biting him on his backside several times before my husband could get her off him. Copper then ran to me and I opened the door of the truck. He jumped in and I followed then she went after my husband. He had to jump in the back of the truck to get away from her. He had to climb into the cab without touching the ground and she was still coming at him. We figured out that she was either protecting babies or just didn't want us getting the food that some brilliant human had put there by her food and a dead animal carcass. Don't feed wild animals and don't go within twenty feet of them. No matter how adorable they are. We learned this lesson the hard way. As for Copper, he had a trip to the vet and he will be okay with antibiotics and time. Luckily he was up to date on his shots so doc said he will be just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Jen,
    Your book is not just good but great. Iam Sandy and Cliff sent me your book and we have both been going over parts that needed to be done. Iam a book reivewer and you book was refreshing to me.
    You had me from the firt paragaph and I could not put the book down. I don't if you know how unusual that is? In fact not very often at all.

    Cliff said he could not help you until later because he will be retiring as Chief of Police and getting their house done.

    Check it all out as Cliff has told you. He was not putting you off believe me. We both have said how good the book was and I told him after the first few chapters if he did not publish you then he was nuts. I hope this reaches you.

