Monday, January 26, 2009

Lament of a Commuter...

Okay so just a little insight into my exciting life...I am a commuter. Have been for the past oh...roughly 167 months. Oh yes, the life of a Shoshone-Sun Valley Commuter is full of excitement. Oh the sense of adventure dodging deer and those ever dangerous bunnies and eeek SKUNKS!!!

Then we have the suicidal drivers who think it is great fun to pass six cars in thick fog or a raging blizzard just to get there five minutes faster than the rest of us. Or better yet...passing on a hill or a curve just to get the ole adrenaline a pumpin'. Ha ha then there are those brilliant souls who end up off the road in a hole in the lava beds.

Okay I will admit that I am so not perfect. Yes, I have gone to fast at times and passed when I probably shouldn't have...but that doesn't count. Haha

Now when you get over Timmerman
Hill and down into the Wood River Valley, about halfway to Sun Valley, you enter a whole other realm of folks who think that just because they have more money they get to do what they please on the road. SCARY!

For example, the SUV driving soccer mom who thinks HER kid is far too special to ride the school bus with the Riff-Raff
. The ski bum who is still stuck in the 60's and has that glazed look in his eyes to prove it. The skin-tight-ski-suit-wearing-trust-funder who just has to get to the slopes before everyone else. And last but definitely not least...the pedestrian who doesn't seem to understand that when they walk across an icy street a car cannot stop on a dime in time to avoid their jay-walking ass!

Don't get me wrong, Sun Valley is a beautiful place full of beautiful people. I do enjoy working there. Ah but how wonderful it is to know that at the end of the day I can leave California, Idaho and return to the real world.

My hometown of Shoshone, it!!! So beautiful and quiet...well, if you ignore the roaring and the high pitched whistle of the multiple trains rolling through the middle of town at 60 mph repeatedly throughout the day...and night.
You get used to it after awhile. The squirrels playing in the backyard and sneaking into your house on Super Bowl Sunday through your dryer vent...(But that's another story.)

So this was just a little peek into my world. I hope you enjoyed it! I hope I don't offend anyone.
Oh well. Smiles All!!! AND GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!! Just kidding :)


  1. Hey cool! Welcome to blogworld!
    I LOVE the poem by the way.
    My daughter thinks she's a squirrel. lol. I'll have to show her your pic of the squirrel... she'll love it.
    Beautiful cats too! I love the cats!
    Type to ya later.

  2. Hi Jen-jen
    I´m from Brazil,
    I life very much your
    new blog,I can´t access to multiply
    but I found you...rsrsrsrs
    I would like say for you.
    A-ha coming back Brasil
    and Im very happy
